Top 10 Life-Changing Lessons I Discovered in 2021


I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. We thank God. As part of my yearly review, I have highlighted the important lessons that I acquired during the year.

10 lessons that I found impactful

The following will be 10 lessons that I found impactful in 2021:

  1. Zero Inbox – Every week on Saturday morning, I manage my email inbox to zero. I either archive, action, delete, or delegate every email in my inbox. Before the next week starts there should not be any outstanding emails.
  2. Track every Pesewa – I have known the wealth-building hack for many years and it was not until this year that I implemented it. The reason it took so long is that I have to manage it manually. I use an IOS app called Money Mgr. But you can use Mint if it’s available. This one is a game-changer for managing your money. For sure.
  3. Health first – I have had to change my attitude towards my health. It seems I have been playing with it for a long while. As it stands, I have two chronic illnesses to deal with – migraines and Asthma – which need attention and management. I have had to give myself time to actually deal with them properly.
  4. Just start – I finally pushed my procrastination-self aside and started this Blog, Podcast, and YouTube channel. Thank God. If you have something you have been waiting to start. Just start and figure it out along the way.
  5. Summarize every book I read – I recently started this habit. And it has become extremely useful. The truth is you never really understand anything until you start to write it down in your own words.
  6. Improve Passive income – As a part of my goals I had to bring along additional streams of revenue and I achieved this with the setting up of the blog and podcast channels.
  7. Better Investment Portfolio – I have written extensively on this in my – How to beat inflation in this Covid Pandemic? It is the system I use on my current investment portfolio.
  8. Improved Relationship – I have improved my relationship with my family and made some new and wonderful friends. Wealth is in the people and not money.
  9. Sleep Time – I have also been able to finally set up good sleeping habits. I now make sure I am in bed at 9 pm and wake up at 5.30 am. Having a bed and wake-up schedule is important for good health.
  10. Screen Time – This is still an ongoing battle but I try to get off screens at about 8 pm every evening. This really should be at 7.30 am. But hmm. Screen Time is a struggle. I may give a better report next year.

My thoughts

I would like to thank all my readers for taking the time to read my scribblings. I appreciate it. Stay tuned for more fun and valuable stories.

Until next time wealth builders, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

Merry Christmas - 10 Lessons I learned in 2021
Article Name
Merry Christmas - 10 Lessons I learned in 2021
As part of my yearly review, I have highlighted the important lessons that I acquired during the year 2021. These are my most impactful 10 lessons.
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Ben Appiah-Poku
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  1. Asie Arkhurst

    Merry Christmas Benji. Very relatable learnings for the year. I dont know that I’d be able to pinpoint 10 things I’ve learnt this year but definitely spending quality time with family is top of the list. I’m still working on better sleep and healthy habits. I’ve also got hacks for reading more, which includes setting reading targets, setting up a book club and listening to audio books. It’s a lot easier to read more that way as you can do it in the car or even while doing house chores.

    • Benji

      Merry Christmas Asie. Greats ideas on reading more. Yep. Audio books are a game changer.

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