17 Quick Actions You Can do Today to Double Your Sales

17 Quick Actions You Can do Today to Double Your Sales

In today’s post, I am going to show you 17 quick actions you can do today to double your sales.

In fact:

This is the exact strategy I use to achieve an oversubscribed booking for my free Digital Marketing strategy call. 

With that, here are 17 quick actions you can do today to double your sales.

Keep reading 

1. Always be marketing 

always be marketing

With all the many activities going on in your business, it is no wonder marketing always takes a back seat. 

If you ask most entrepreneurs, what do they do? The answer is never “I am a marketer”. Unfortunately, marketing is the only important task for your business. 

For any business to thrive marketing cannot stop. It is the fuel driving the whole engine of growth. 

To simplify your marketing follow these strategies  below:

2. The easy way to know your target audience 

Target your audience

The costliest mistake most businesses make is to believe their customer is everyone. 

Nothing can be further away from the truth. Not everyone is or can be your customer. 

Without a customer profile, you are going to be shooting bullets into the open air. 

For example, an ad copy for a senior in retirement is different from one for a university graduate. 

Why so? The senior’s challenges and pain points are not the same as a university graduate’s. 

The senior is likely worried about how to survive in their retirement. The university graduate is worried about finding a job. 

Nailing down who your target audience is crucial. You can easily do that using the HubSpot my persona. It is a fun easy tool to create your customer’s profile and share it with your team. 

Get it done. This one strategy will improve your sales today. 

3. Here is your 12 Months marketing Calendar 

12 months calender

Your business should have a 12 Months marketing calendar. A set of activities you engage in every single month to promote your business. 

How do you do this? You follow what already happens every month. 

When you look closely at the months on the calendar. There is always a special day or holiday that you can take advantage of and promote your products. 

Let me show you. Your customers are already expecting you to have a special sale or promotion at least once a month, on the major holidays

  1. January – New Year’s
  2. February – Valentine’s Day
  3. March – International Women’s Day / Independence Day 
  4. April –Easter
  5. May – May Day / Mother’s Day
  6. June – Father’s Day
  7. July – Eid al-Adha
  8. August – Founders Day
  9. September –Kwame Nkrumah Memorial day 
  10. October – Family and friends Sales
  11. November – Black Friday
  12. December – Boxing Day/ Christmas

Your 12 Months marketing calendar is set. You now can promote your products and services in line with what your customers are already expecting. 

4. Make Money by Talking on Your phone 

talk and make money on your phone

Your phone is an important digital marketing tool and is mostly underutilized by business owners. 

When a prospect calls a business and asks for a price, the usual answer is the price is…. 

When a customer calls for an inquiry about the products, they get an answer on the features of the products.

Engaging in such a practice is equal to throwing money away. The way to handle all prospect calls is to have a developed phone marketing script available. 

For example, you can reply “ we are having a flash sale today on the product you just enquired about. If you can come in or make a purchase, we will give you 10% for today and today only. Offer is available today”. 

By giving the prospect an incentive and urgency you are likely to make take more advantage of all your inquiry calls from prospects. 

5. Many ways to sell your products and services 

many ways to sell

One of the frustrating things I see in most businesses is their inability to increase the frequency of sales from customers.

For instance, the most enticing moment for a customer to buy from your business is immediately after making a purchase. 

As an immediate practice, every single customer should be offered another opportunity to buy again from your business. 

For example, after a sale, a customer should be offered a discount voucher or free delivery on their next purchase.

Another strategy is to also sell higher-priced products from what they just bought. 

For example, imagine you enter a Suit shop to buy a shirt. After you pick your favorite shirt, a good salesperson should offer you a suit to go with it. 

This technique known as upselling occurs all the time. We have all entered a supermarket to buy bread and up with a whole month’s worth of groceries. 

How does this happen? 

The bread is located at the back of the supermarket. 

There are also circumstances when the customer may not buy our standard product. That’s ok. We offer a down-sell. 

A basic product that serves the same purpose. 

My watch repairer does this to me all the time. 

He says “ Boss, the original battery is 80.00 and the cheap battery is 30.00. The original will last a year but with the cheap battery, I cannot guarantee it.” 

With this simple strategy, he always makes a sale. 

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6. Where is your prospect list?

prospects list

It never ceases to amaze me how small-medium businesses allow customers to walk in and out of their premises without collecting any contact details.

Prospects walk in to make inquiries and walk out. 

As you can tell there are a lot of missed opportunities here.

By taking their contact information, you can do a follow-up marketing campaign. 

The way to get customer information is simply by informing the prospect that you run promotions every month. 

It would then be in their interest not to miss out. 

You then ask for a phone number or email address. 

If you got a phone number, you add the customer to your WhatsApp Prospect Broadcast list (you have that right, good). 

With an email address, you enter the customer information into your Emails Prospect list. 

The advantage is that you can now retarget your prospect with sales and promotions using your 12 Months marketing calendar. 

Prospects may not buy immediately but will do along the line. 

Make sure to be on their minds when it happens. 

7. Have you forgotten about your customer list? 

customer list

The most underutilized list of all: The customer list. Your customer list – Email or WhatsApp List – is the most important thing you can have as a business. 


Because people who have already bought from you are likely to buy from you again. 

Your best bet for a sale today is sending an offer or promotion to your existing customers. 

There is money in the List. 

Have a Re-engagement strategy. 

It’s as simple as sending your monthly promotion and sales from your 12 Months marketing calendar. 

8. Can your business receipts make you money? 

business receipts

Your business receipts can provide a lot of value for your business. It can easily serve as the vehicle for your recency sales strategy. 

As mentioned earlier, a customer who has bought from you is most likely to buy again. 

Your business receipt can have a discount voucher for the customer’s next purchase. 

All the customer has to do is present and they get their offer on the next purchase. 

This would generate increased sales and purchases 

9. Have you registered your business with online directories? 

online directories

Most customers still use online directories when searching for a service or product. 

Is your business listed on highly visible online directories? 

Here are some good resources for listing your business online. 

Google my business is one of the most powerful online directories you can list as a local business. 

Google prioritizes local businesses for products and services in nearby locations. 

For example, if you are a plumber, you are more likely to show up for a “ plumbers near me” search on Google than one located outside the country. 

Your business will rank higher than the most relevant information pages. 

Improve your online visibility by registering at Google My business. 

10. Monthly Promotion & Sales Offers 

sales and promotions

Your 12 Months marketing calendar is set and you are ready to implement it.

What are some types of sales promotions and offers you can employ? 

Here is a list of your options 

  1. Flash Sale or Today only special offers 
  2. Buy one get one free 
  3. 20% off 
  4. Discount Voucher 
  5. Free Delivery 
  6. Free Trial
  7. Free 30 minutes consultation 
  8. Give away Branded business Products 
  9. Cash Promotion 
  10. Referral Discounts 
  11. Extra 10% Off next purchase 
  12. Lifestyle discounts – Father’s and Mothers Day Promo 

The idea is to pick and mix your sales promotions to keep your customers engaged. 

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11. Partnering with Complementary Businesses

partnering with business

Looking around your business to find complementary partners is a great way to generate more leads and sales. 

For instance, as a digital marketer, having a graphic design agency and a web development agency helps to expand your services and reach. 

Another example is if you are an architect, having civil engineering and a construction company as partners would improve and increase your leads and sales. 

Having complementary partners would improve your visibility in your industry as well.

12. Partnering with Your Customers 

partnering with customers

Your customers are your biggest promoters. As Jeff Bezos said, word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising. 

Partnering with your customers is one of those effective strategies that take no extra effort. 

You only need a referral reward system and a way to communicate with your customers. As extensively discussed you need a prospects list and a customer list.

The reward system for your referral program could easily model your sales offer. Here are some offers to implement 

  • Discount Offers  
  • Free delivery
  • Cash Discounts
  • Early access to new products and services 
  • Free Trials 

To monitor, your referral reward system, you can print small business cards with your logo on the back and leave the name and phone number blank

The customer when giving a referral can fill in the information and hand it over to the prospect. The prospect simply presents the card and this notifies you of who the referral customer is. 

13. Create a lead generating website 

lead generating website

Most businesses believe that all they need is a website.  By setting up a professional website, sales are going to be pouring in by the minute.

In reality, most websites provide no value for your business. 

Most websites are built as a copy of the business profile.

It is simply information about the business and the services it provides. 

A website has to be built with lead generation in mind.  

Your website should be optimized for lead generation. Autopilot lead generation system using email campaigns on your website. 

Here are the steps 

  1. Your website should contain basic business information. For example services, constant contact details, valid telephone numbers, etc.
  2. Every business needs an Email Newsletter Sign up on their website. 
  3. About 90% of your visitors to your website would not take any action. You need to have their contact information to do a follow-up. That’s when an email newsletter comes in. 
  4. You can take it a step further by having a lead magnet or free content in exchange for prospects’ email addresses. Thus enabling you to follow up on email 
  5. There should be a video or a picture of you welcoming your visitors to your website. 
  6. A website with no human presence doesn’t convert as well. 
  7. Setting up email automation is a must. If you decide to scale your follow-up operations, you need email automation set up. 
  8. Promote your website aggressively on all your social media platforms. Your website should also be promoted on your business cards, Business Brochures, Signages, etc

14. Social media marketing

facebook ads

There is no doubt in any digital marketer’s mind about the importance of social media, especially Facebook ads, in generating leads. 

Meta which owns Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram is by far the most powerful social media network in the world

As a marketer, you need to be where your audience is to engage and promote your products and services. 

A good strategy to think about social media marketing is to see it as a lead-generating tool for follow-up campaigns using email marketing.

Facebook is a great source of targeted traffic which can be led to your sales funnel or email sign-up.

15. Email Newsletter 

email news letter

Email Newsletter gives your business an effective tool to communicate with your prospects and customers. 

It can be once a month or twice a month. 

An email newsletter should be about what your customers are already talking about. 

For example, my newsletter is about getting more leads and sales. 

It is a problem small-medium businesses struggle with. 

Twice a month, I send a message to my subscribers about tips on how to increase or double their sales. 

Setting up an email Newsletter is not complicated. Here are the steps 

  1. Find out what your target audience is talking about. You can do this using forums such as Reddit. 
  2. For example, my audience is Entrepreneurs, so I join a subreddit on entrepreneurship and read about their challenges 
  3. My newsletter topics are derived from providing answers to these challenges 

16. Email marketing 

email marketing

The most powerful digital marketing tool of all is email marketing. The return on email marketing is $44 for every $1 spent. 

Without a doubt, Email is my most priced online marketing tool. 

The advantage is that email is personal. 

It is not like a tweet or a social media post. 

An email lies in a person’s inbox until read. 

As a minimum, the name of the sender and subject line would be read. 

You get far better engagement on email than any other digital marketing platform. 

For most digital marketers email is their secret tool and so it is for me. 

17. Establish yourself as a go-to Expert 

write an ebook

This may be the most demanding strategy to employ but could end up paying dividends for years to come.

You can establish yourself as a go-to expert in your industry by writing a book

People love to learn and improve themselves and their businesses. 

A well-written book that solves your target audience’s itch is invaluable.

Your book should be about what your audience finds challenging. It should contain actionable insights that can be done immediately. 

Writing a book and giving it away as a lead magnet can also help bring in a large audience to your products and services. 

Bonus strategy #1: Create in-person workshops for your clients

live workshops

Another valuable marketing tool is to create an in-person or virtual workshop for your prospects and customers. The format for the workshop can be 

  • Question & Answer
  • Interview The Expert
  • Do-It-Yourself
  • Product Demonstration

The timing can be once a month or twice a month. 

The delivery of the workshops can be live or recorded. 

For live workshops, you can use  Facebook live and YouTube to host recorded versions. 

You can also employ Webinar tools such as WebinarJam.

To promote your Workshops you can use your Email Newsletter, social media marketing, and your traditional methods such as Posters, and Fliers. 

Bonus strategy #2: Bring in an expert to boost your sales 

expert help

The quickest way to double your sales today is to bring in a Marketing consultant. 

A marketing consultant that creates custom marketing and sales improvement strategies for your business that don’t cost you a fortune. 

As an entrepreneur, you are juggling so many things at once. 

From human resources to operations. 

From website design to email automation. 

It’s tough running a business. I know. 

Let us help you with a predictable stream of quality leads and your focus on serving your customers. 

You can book your free Digital Marketing strategy call today.

Now It’s Your Turn

In this article, we looked at 17 quick actions you can do today to double your sales. 

Now it’s your turn: Which strategies are you going to use now?

Leave a comment below to let me know

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