Getting clients from social media

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Is it possible to get more clients and leads on social media?

It is. 

However, most businesses are struggling to get leads on social media. 

The #1 reason is “free” marketing on social media. 

There is no such thing as “free” marketing on social media. 

Most entrepreneurs and business owners believe posting regularly, at specific times will improve and increase their views and clients. 

Nothing can be further away from the truth.

To be successful in social media marketing, you have to use paid ads.

I use Facebook ads every week to build my email list. 

The results are up to 300 subscribers per week. 

So how can you do the same?

Follow these steps 

  1. Make a video on your products and services. Your phone will do fine 
  2. Your video should be in an aspect ratio of 4:5 for Facebook Newsfeeds and 1:1 for Instagram feeds
  3. Upload your video post (Download and use Facebook Creator studio
  4. Enable video Captions (Facebook Creator studio)
  5. Create an ad using Video Views Campaign Objectives 
  6. You all set

To get clients on social media, you have to use paid ads. 

As it stands organic reach on Facebook and Instagram is less than 1%.

If you need any help, hit reply and let me know.

Are you struggling with anything? Let me know 

I will do my best to reply to you with practical tips to solve your problem.

Talk soon,


PS. Next week’s email is about making people buy your products every time. Don’t miss out 

PSS. Need help with scaling and growing your business? 

We can help

It’s free to schedule your “digital marketing strategy call”. 

We will set aside 30 minutes to discuss how to move the needle towards growth for your business.

But I can only do 3 per month. 

Schedule your call now