Incentive and Urgency 

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How do you make people buy your products all the time? 

The answer: provide an incentive and make it urgent 

This simple sales tip can transform your business from no sales to blowing it out of the park 

How do you provide an incentive? 

You have to make an offer. Customers need a nudge to make a purchase.

For example Free delivery, free samples, free premium features, cash discount, flash sales, etc. 

All these sales offers make your customers stop and consider your product or service.

Why should you make your offer urgent? 

Your customers are likely to postpone your offers if there is no time limit.

Why should they buy now?

When they can save and buy later? 

Without urgency, your customers will not take action.

Here are examples for showing urgency 

  1. Limited time offer 
  2. Only 19 left 
  3. Offer ends soon: 21 remaining
  4. Last chance. The offer expires in an hour 
  5. Only 24 hrs left. Reserve your seat 

Create sales offers that incorporate incentives and offers and watch your sales escalate.

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PS. Interested in selling digital products? Don’t miss next week’s email  

PSS. Need help with scaling and growing your business? 

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But I can only do 3 per month. 

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