Is your phone number a business asset?

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Can the loss of a phone number kill your business?

It surely can.

For most small businesses the most important asset is a customer phone list.

Since referrals are the biggest lead generation system, a business phone number is an important asset.

For example, I know of a Kente seller who gets 5-10 calls a day on his phone.

What is even more remarkable is that the seller is not using a WhatsApp number and still gets international calls from the UK and USA.

What is unique about the situation?

The Kente seller understood the importance of keeping the same phone number for 30+ years.

He is not enjoying referrals from all the sales he has made for 30+ years.

The key to all of this is to treat your phone number and your client’s contacts as a business asset and build it accordingly.

If you have any questions hit reply and tell us what you are struggling with?

Talk soon,


P.S. What are the best-selling offers on social media part 1? Don’t miss next week’s email

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