Boom! 2 Tyres Explode

It’s 7:54 am on a Saturday and I am driving my son to Weekend Class.

We are cruising behind a big truck while telling him about Mathew Dicks’ idea of making every minute count in your life.

We suddenly, hear a big exposition – BOOM!- and the whole atmosphere turns dusty brown.

I panicked with my heart beating. As a result, I slowed down the car. I can’t see ahead. It’s misty but with dusty brown particles. I am blind here.

My son asks, “Is that a bomb exploding?”.

“I don’t think so”.

Has the Truck ahead of me crashed?

“I wonder myself”.

I drive slowly and approach the truck as the atmosphere becomes clear. It turns out that two back tires of the truck have burst.

How could this happen?