Top 10 Life-Changing Lessons I Discovered in 2022

Wishing everyone a Joyful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! Grateful to God. As I reflect on the past year, I’ve written down the 10 key lessons that have enriched my journey.

The following will be 10 lessons that I found impactful in 2022:

  1. Writing as Thinking: I try to solve my problems by thinking through them. Most of the time it takes too long. I get very few solutions. It’s always a frustrating exercise. When I think on paper, the solutions are much richer. The experience is much better. The process is a simple one. Get a piece of paper. Write down your problem as a question on top of the paper. Write as many solutions as possible. Sieve out the better options. Take action.
  2. Creating a Second Brain System: Having a system for remembering is a unique way to enrich your life. Setting up a productivity system by incorporating a task manager, a calendar, a notes app, and a project management app has been unbelievable to me. I can now properly organize all my information on the cloud and be present in my life.
  3. Diminishing Cognitive load: I have a good memory of remembering things 2 to 5 minutes from now. Any longer and my memory will fail me. To reduce the number of stress on my mind. I decide to write down everything I need on my Task Manager, Calendar, and Notes App. Nothing escapes me now.
  4. 10 Squats per day: Game changer. In the morning right before getting inside the bathroom, I do 5 squats. In the evening before I shower, 5 squats. This little exercise has changed the level of activity and social involvement in my life. I can now stand and lift things with ease. 10 squats a day have improved the quality of life.
  5. Living in Minutes: I am always making plans for the future. It has become a habit to procrastinate. The shocking death of a friend of mine put an end to this. I now live life with every minute counting.
  6. 30 Days Detox from Reading: I took a 30-day detox from reading this year. The reason. I am addicted to reading. It’s my go-to drug. I had to step back from reading. So I will be able to fix my life and take action. Reading is not taking action.
  7. Finding Escape in Reality: I like to be in reality. Yet escape reality when life gets tough. But I learned another twist on this idea. You can also find escape from the difficulty of life by embracing it. When you live life through its difficulties. It’s also a form of escape.
  8. Getting out of Pain: Can a little pain be a good thing? I used to be a believer in such a thing. If you are experiencing muscular pains that are likely to resolve in a day why not? However, if you are in chronic pain every single day. Get help. You don’t get any rewards for enduring pain. Seeking help when you are experiencing pain is a must.
  9. Digital Journaling: I have tried my ways to write my thoughts and organize them. I have tried paper and pencil. I have tried all forms of Notes Apps. What has helped me maintain the habit is an Apple Notes and the Apple Shortcuts App. A series of questions pop up from the Shortcuts App, such as How is your health today? After filling in all the details, the information is sent to my Journal folder in Apple Notes. The whole process can take between 3 to 10 minutes depending on the amount of time I have.
  10. Being Grateful: Being grateful is a lesson I relearn every year. Start with Gratitude every morning in my journal. It has been a lifesaver in fighting my self-doubts.