Embracing the Necessary Evil

I am having an afternoon Zoom Meeting. It’s a progress meeting on a construction project. The contractor shares his screen. He starts his presentation.

So as you can see this week’s percent of progress …..&%$#%^*$…. we can’t hear Steven

What’s going on? It’s most likely a network problem.

Ok! What network do you use Steven? Airtel.

Can you get yourself an MTN sim card so we hear you the next time? Ok, Sir.

A week later, we are back doing another presentation. We can’t still hear Steven.

Steven, why couldn’t you get that MTN sim card? I hate MTN!! Why do you hate MTN?

MTN is deceitful; my data runs too quickly. They steal my data all the time!

BUT Tell me, Steven, do you know anyone who hasn’t lost data to MTN?

No, I don’t

Why do you think we use MTN?

Because it works.

Even if you don’t like the wheel don’t invent the wheel


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