Alpha to Omega: Witnessing the Rise and Fall of Borga in the Dog House

I am 10 years old. We have two male dogs in the house. Borga and Bruno.

Borga is the eldest of the male dogs. As the head of the house, Borga enjoys all the privileges. He sleeps with all the females. He gets all the good food. He also gets to discipline Bruno when he tries to come near the females or his food.

Borga is the king of the house. As time goes by Borga is growing up. Borga is becoming weaker.

Bruno looks taller and bigger now. Borga cannot protect his food as much. Borga cannot protect his females anymore.

Bruno is now the king of the house. Borga is a broken man. He lies quietly as he watches his kingdom being taken over. He has lost the females. And the good food.