Smart Strategies: Empowering Your Child’s Vocabulary with AI Assistance

My son is doing well in all his subjects. But English is still a problem. His difficulty is finding words with similar meanings. If he doesn’t know the meaning, it is quite hard for him to guess it.

How do I solve this?

I think to myself there must be a book with a summary of all the common English words for my son’s Grade Level.

I go with my son to a bookshop. Do you have a book that compiles all the common words for a grade 7-9 English student?

Sorry Sir we don’t. But we have a Thesaurus. This covers all the words with similar meanings in the English Dictionary.

In my mind, I am thinking – if my son is going to read the Thesaurus then he will not finish until he is thirty years. I thank the attendant. We leave for home.

There is no way around it. I have to compile a list for my son. I pick up all his English Textbooks from grades 7-9.

I scan the common English from chapter to chapter using Apple Notes on my iPhone. It took about 2 hours. The first part of the task is done. I now have the common English words for my son’s level.

How do I find the words similar in meaning?

I can use Google. But that will take too long.

What about using AI?

I pasted all the words in ChatGPT.

I then ask it to find words similar in meaning from the list. 1 minute later, a list of all the words with their corresponding meanings.
