Promises and Puzzles: Navigating Commercial Law Lectures

I am in a commercial law Lecture. My favorite lecturer is teaching. His style is simple.

He writes down the examination question for the topic on the board. He tells us this is going to be the exact question that will come in the upcoming exams. We all sit up. We pay attention.

For the next 8 lectures, he starts with the upcoming examination question. His lectures are always full of students. He tells us students like examination questions. This is his gift to us.

It’s commercial law exams and none of his upcoming questions appear. Why? How. But he said…

We are in the second semester. He starts the lectures with upcoming examination questions.

His class is full of students. He says,” I am giving you a gift”. We applaud him for his kind gesture.

It’s the end of semester exams. You guessed it. None of the questions come in exams.

He kept this up for 2 years. We always fell for it. why?

What if?

What if this time the questions are going to appear?