Travel Troubles: MacBook, Money, and a Restroom Riddle

David is traveling abroad. He has packed everything. He has his MacBook Air, his diary, a wireless mouse, and some money in his laptop bag. He lands safely at his destination.

He passes through immigration. And decides to have a wee before leaving the Airport.

He gets out of the restroom. Goes outside the airport and grabs a Taxi cab. He is on an hour’s ride to get to his meeting. He gets to his meeting on time. He sits down to prepare. He can’t find his laptop bag.

Where could he have left it? Can it be the cab or the Airport?

It seems he left it at the Airport. He takes an hour’s drive back to the Airport.

He quickly rushes to the restroom to look for his Laptop bag.

He finds his Laptop bag. Phew! His laptop, his diary, and his wireless mouse are all inside his bag.

His money is missing. All his money is gone. It turns out somebody opened his Laptop bag. Searched inside. And decided to take only the money.

I guess it was the easiest thing to steal. He reported the incident to Airport Security but there are no security cameras in restrooms. So …