Lessons in Time Management: Navigating Saturday School with My Son

My son is in Junior High School. His final BECE examination is in July this year. To speed up the revision process, the school has decided to have a Saturday class starting this week.

It’s Saturday Morning. I dress up to drive my son to Saturday school.

When I drop him off, he says,” Daddy, remember I close at noon”

“Ok. see you soon”.

I get home. I handle a few chores. I make myself a cup of Tea while slipping into a good book.

It’s noon. I am late. I quickly pick up my keys, dash to my car, and drive as far as legally possible.

I am 20 minutes late. I apologize to my son for wasting his time.

He says,” Daddy don’t worry I was solving some maths questions while waiting. You didn’t waste my time”.