From Dreams to Reality: The Power of Scripting Your Life

My son pops into my room this morning. He wants to have a discussion.

He wants to know what to do in the future. I tell him that he should listen to Charlie Munger’s advice on what you want to do when you grow up.

The idea is you write what you want your obituary to say. Then action your plan backwards.

A similar idea is to write your story and live it. Write down what you want your life to be in 10 years and live it. You write a story of what you want your life to look like.

  • Where do you want to live?
  • What would your typical look like?
  • What house would you be living in?
  • How many children would you have?
  • What would your house look like?
  • Where would you have traveled to?

Write down all that you want to happen in the future. When that is done

Start working on it. Make it come true.

Simply put, write down the story of your remarkable life 10 years from now.