Sponges, Sprints, and Showers: A 1988 Family Memoir

It’s 5:30 pm in 1988. My Mother calls out,” Everyone come and have a bath”.

We all start running back as quickly as possible. The reason is we only have 2 sponges – a small one and a big one. Yet we are six kids. So if you get back late, you don’t have a sponge.

Your only remedy is to share your sponge with your brother or sister. We all know how that goes.

So the game plan is to run as fast as you can grab the sponge and be the first to use it.

If not you have to wait for sloppy seconds. Who wants to bathe after their siblings? Yuck!

The second challenge is who gets the big or the small sponge. Everyone’s favorite is the big sponge – it is softer than the small sponge. Thus the fastest 2 runners also have a fight on their hands over who gets the big sponge.

As you can expect six kids sharing 2 sponges would be as chaotic as it can get. Having a shower between the six of us was never a 30-minute activity