Options and Opportunities: How a Library Incident Shaped My Reading Choices

I am in Class 5. I am on my way to the KNUST Primary Library. I am going because I have started reading Tintin. I can’t help myself. I just finished book one. I am addicted. I need to finish the whole series. I get to the library and go straight to the comic section. There is only one Tintin book left. Before I raise my hand, somebody behind me grabs it.

An argument ensues. We struggle for the book. We start fighting. The Librarian steps in. We are both not given the book. I am upset. The librarian comforts me and suggests the Asterix comic books are also good. I should try them.

Game changer. She was right. They were good.

She was also right because I now have options.

When going to the library, I can choose between Tintin or Asterix. I never got upset in the library again. I guess the Librarian’s lesson was options matter in life.