The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn – Book Summary

The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn – Book Summary

The seasons of life is about how the four seasons can serve as a metaphor for the changing circumstances in our lives. It uses the four seasons to signify action, growth, harvest, and adversity in our lives.

Your life is full of constant beginnings and ongoing opportunities. You must remain focused and unchanged even though life is changing around you. You must sow the seeds of success in the Springtime to enable you to reap the benefits in the Winter.

“In all areas of human existence, be aware that what you put into this world, you get back from it.”

The Seasons of Life
Jim Rohn


When spring occurs is your time of action. It is your time to sow seeds of your success. Time for you to decide what you want to achieve in life.


Secondly, Summer is about protecting and guarding against the weather, weeds, and bugs. You must focus on your seeds to enable them to grow.


In autumn, you see the results of what you have sown. Whether you have a bountiful or a lean harvest? For example, an empty bank account is a sign of no seeds sown. Also, you cannot sow corn and harvest Mangoes. Autumn is the time of assessment.


Finally, Winter is coming for all. You must smile at adversity for it will come. It is through adversity the human spirit grows and becomes worthy of life’s success.

The nature of winter depends on an earlier cause. The question is whether you sowed in Spring? Winter can be a moment of reading, relaxation, and enjoyment with a good harvest and well-sewn farm.
For the unprepared winter is a time for regret and sorrow. Be grateful for your adversity and learn from it. You didn’t do something earlier. So, act now.
In essence, Winter is a circumstance, an event brought out by an earlier cause. Winter will pass like every other season.

My Take on The Seasons of Life

Life is a story of achievement despite adversity not the absence of adversity.
You must act and sow in the Spring. In the Summer you protect your seeds from weeds, bugs, and the weather then you harvest in Autumn. Using my life as an example, I am extremely glad I started this blog. What started out as a medium to share my thoughts has ended up becoming a Facebook advertising agency. The most important concept is not to miss your spring. You must act and implement your ideas.

The most difficult part of my journey from blogging to a Facebook advertising agency was the summer period. It is where you have so much doubt about what you are trying to achieve. How do you carry on when you are not seeing any results. But as Jim Rohn says, you have to protect what you have sown. I am now in my autumn stage where I can see clearly how everything is fitting in. I know for sure I will not have a harsh winter. Because I sowed my seeds in the springtime. Go ahead and sow your seeds. It is spring again.

Practical Insights from The Seasons of Life

  • Set goals if you need to become successful beyond your dreams.
  • Act in life to achieve anything meaningful.

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Book Summary: The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn
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Book Summary: The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn
The seasons of life is about how the four seasons can serve as a metaphor for the changing circumstances in our lives and remaining focused while seasons change.