A Dog’s Tale: Lessons Learned from Captain Smart’s Last Chase

My mum has two dogs in the house. A brown dog – Captain Smart – and a grey dog – Temper Temper. I am coming back from an outdoor run. I meet Captain Smart and Temper Temper chasing a female dog.

I shout at both dogs to go back home. Temper Temper and Captain Smart do so. However, Captain Smart runs away ignoring my command. He can’t help himself but go back to chasing the female dog.

Before I got to my gate, I heard a car making an emergency stop. A screeching sound with the tires on the road. I take no notice of this and get home.

That night Captain Smart didn’t come home.

The next morning we went looking for Captain Smart.

Unfortunately, he had been knocked down by a car. He was lying on the side of the road.