Are you collecting testimonials?

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Can this simple sales tip double your sales?

Yes it can

The most important thing you can do today to double your sales is to build trust with your customers.

The more your customers trust you, the more they will patronize your products and services.

How do you build trust with new customers?

The answer: video or written testimonials from existing customers.

Your # 1 priority after every single sale is to ask for a video or written testimonials from your happy customers.

By placing these testimonials on your social media accounts, you are building trust and a relationship with your customers.

Do yourself a favor and give it a go.

You will be pleasantly surprised by how well testimonials work.

If you want to sell products or services online, we can help you build an automated lead generation and conversion system.

Just hit reply and tell us what you are struggling with?

Talk soon,


P.S. Is your phone number a business asset? Don’t miss next week’s email

P.S.S. Need help with scaling and growing your business?

We can help

It’s free to schedule your “growth marketing session call”.

We will set aside 30 minutes to discuss how to move the needle towards growth for your business.

We do only 3 sessions per month.

Your risk is 30 minutes of your time and the upside is the kind of financial freedom most people can only dream about.

Schedule a FREE growth session today