It's around 2:00 pm on 24th September 2020. I am driving my car from a meeting. Yet, I am having a conversation with my brother. Suddenly, I start experiencing light…
Samuel is 30 years old. He is a little unhealthy for his age. He has a chronic disease - High Blood pressure. He is on medication. I ask Samuel whether…
A monk is contemplating freeing all the pigs in the village. Why should human beings restrict the freedom of other animals? He waits until dark and frees all the pigs…
I am watching a YouTube video of Sam Bern - a 17-year-old with Progeria. It is an extremely rare genetic disease that causes rapid aging in children. He looks like…
It's Saturday Night in 1996. I am in Senior Secondary School. We all just came back from Entertainment Night. A weekly event in our Boarding house. We get ready to…
It's 1996. I am in Senior Secondary School at Mfantsipim. The dining hall meals won't kill us but cannot be classified as food except on Fridays. On Fridays, we have…
It's 1995. I am at Mfantsipim School. It is a boarding house school situated in Cape Coast. It's Thursday afternoon. I am reluctant to go to the dining hall. It…