Best Offers on Facebook Part 1

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You’ve made the plunge to advertise on Facebook.


But you have a burning question…

what are the best-selling offers on social media?

In my opinion, there are 4 best offers that work superbly on Facebook

  1. Discount Vouchers
  2. Free consultation
  3. Webinars
  4. Free plus shipping offer

Discount vouchers

Discount vouchers are a solid marketing strategy for a product business on social media to improve sales and drive website traffic.

These work really well for online product shops that want to provide an incentive for new prospects to make a purchase on their website.

If you have a Spotify shop you can easily create a discount code on this page.

Free Consultation or Free Quote

Another great offer on social media is creating a free consultation.

A free consultation is geared towards more professional services in general.

For example, we offer a 100% FREE no-obligation 30-minute growth strategy call.

This free consultation provides a low-risk barrier for new prospects to sign up and this generates a lot of business.

Another example will be that of interior designers or decorators.

These professionals can offer a free quote for interested prospects.

Free quote offers help drive a lot of leads and engagements on social media.

If you have any questions, hit reply and tell us what you are struggling with.

Talk soon,


P.S. What are the best-selling offers on social media part 2? Don’t miss next week’s email

P.S.S. Need help with scaling and growing your business?

We can help

It’s free to schedule your “growth marketing session call”.

We will set aside 30 minutes to discuss how to move the needle towards growth for your business.

We do only 3 sessions per month.

Your risk is 30 minutes of your time and the upside is the kind of financial freedom most people can only dream about.

Schedule a FREE growth session today