Brilla’s Triumph: How a Parent’s Persistence Changed Academic Fortunes

I can count the number of times I have cried in my life. I have done so only twice.

The first time was the nurse slapping my bum when I was born.

And the second is what happened below

My son is in Class 5A. His position in the class is 13th. I decide to increase the number of home teachers. I get him 3 teachers for Maths, English, and everything else.

We are still not making any progress. I decide to do the job myself.

I plan to do as many questions as possible on all his subjects.

We start this plan and right from the first day, there is resistance. “This plan won’t work”, he says.

I wait for him to calm down and we try more questions. He is beginning to see improvements in class. As a result, he is getting a new nickname – “Brilla (short for brilliant)”

It’s the end of term and I am picking up my son.

He comes smiling. He says to me,” Daddy I was second in my class”.

Tears start running down my face.

I was happy for him. I can’t believe a simple activity – doing more questions – can make such a huge difference. It brings to mind the power of consistency.