Character Strengths Are Crucial To Your Life. Learn Why!

As Peter Drucker said, ” to become effective you need to focus on your unique strengths and knowledge”. The old wisdom of improving on your weakness is an ineffective strategy. You are better off improving on something you are already good at than working on your weakness. There is a need to acknowledge your strengths and develop habits around them.

“You don’t “succeed” because you have no weakness. You succeed because you find your unique strengths and focus on developing habits around them”

Tool of Titans
Tim Ferris

Secondly, Humans are imperfect creatures. People who have achieved great things are like you and me. The difference is they capitalized on their strengths. You must set yourself on the path to improving your strengths.

You must determine and pursue your most important strengths. The easiest way is to set up an account at And answer a few questions to find out your unique strengths and knowledge. It is from the results you will build your career around. My top three results of the Character Strengths Survey are the love of learning, gratitude, and self-regulation. It is no accident I ended up setting a blog to teach the insights that I learn every day.

VIA Character Strengths Survey

The VIA Character Strengths Survey is the only free, scientific survey of character strengths in the world. It only takes 15 minutes to complete and discover your greatest strengths. You sign up for an account on and take the strengths and character survey.

Studies show that knowing and using your character strengths can help you:

  • Find work you are passionate about
  • Accomplish your goals more effectively
  • Find meaning in purpose in life
  • Increase happiness and wellbeing
  • Manage problems
  • Reduce Stress
  • Increase Work Performance

What to do with your Results

When you receive your survey results, you look at your top 5 strengths. You must decide to develop a valuable skill around your strengths. You can also use the technique of skill stacking. Skill stacking is where you take a set of average skills and combine them into one huge stack of skills. For example, as an architect you can take a sales and marketing course, to upgrade your selling skills.

Practical Insights

  • You must take your survey of character strengths and build your career around them.
  • Set your goals with your strengths in mind.
  • Build wealth or businesses around them.
  • Earn more money and get more time back

Related Book:

Tools of titans by Tim Ferris

Book Link #ad: Tools of the Titans by Tim Ferris

Character Strengths Are Crucial To Your Life. Learn Why!
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Character Strengths Are Crucial To Your Life. Learn Why!
“You don’t “succeed” because you have no weakness. You succeed because you find your unique strengths and focus on developing habits around them”
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Ben Appiah-Poku
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