Dawn of the Shower Sleeper: Unveiling the Morning Tactics

My daughter doesn’t like sleeping early at night. Her reasons are many and varied – watching TikTok, doing homework, learning French on Duolingo, learning to draw, etc.

When it comes to waking up for school in the morning – you guessed it. I have a daily fight on my hands. A constant unrelenting big fight.

I have resulted in dragging her from bed. This doesn’t solve my challenge. Because we are still late for school. My daughter seems to spend 45 minutes in the bathroom.

After careful investigations and putting 2 and 2 together.

Her solution is that when she wants to continue to sleep. She grabs her towel and enters the bathroom. She turns the shower on. She then puts the toilet cover down to sit. Next, she folds her legs, rests her head on them, and goes back to sleep in the bathroom.

Considering, the bathroom is a private place, she gets to sleep another 20 minutes in peace.