Do TV or Radio ads work?

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Ever wondered whether TV or radio ads work?

So much money is pumped into TV and radio adverts every day?

But how can we measure the effectiveness of TV or radio ads?

How do you know, your leads are coming from the TV or radio ads?

Could all the cost of filming and audio editing be wasted?

There is an alternative to getting attention and reaching your customers.

With Email marketing, you can easily measure your performance.

You can reach and measure the performance of your adverts.

You know how many people read your emails.

You know how many emails and what type of emails your prospects are interested in.

You know you have a 30% open rate on average.

As a business owner, you have to develop an advertising system that is predictable and measurable.

We can help

We can build for you an automated lead generation and conversion system

Just hit reply and let’s work together

Talk soon,


P.S. Are you collecting testimonials from your customers? Don’t miss next week’s email

P.S.S. Need help with scaling and growing your business?

We can help

It’s free to schedule your “growth marketing session call”.

We will set aside 30 minutes to discuss how to move the needle towards growth for your business.

We do only 3 sessions per month.

Your risk is 30 minutes of your time and the upside is the kind of financial freedom most people can only dream about.

Schedule a FREE growth session today