Eugene’s Mischievous Moments: Of Lipstick, iPhones, and Life Lessons

I am playing with my 3-year-old son – Eugene. My wife comes in. She is upset. She asks,“Eugene where have you put my lipstick”. Eugene laughs and starts running away.

He says, “I flashed it down the toilet”. My wife is upset. She is chasing after him. Eugene outruns her. He escapes.

I find Eugene and sit him down. I explain. You can’t do that. He apologizes to his mother. And promises not to repeat his behavior. I am glad this chapter is closed.

I buy a brand new iPhone from the Apple store. I come home and leave it on the living room table. I pop into the kitchen and back. I can’t see my iPhone.

I ask all my kids but Eugene. Nobody had seen it.

I bite the bullet and ask Eugene. He tells me to follow him.

We start moving upstairs to the Restroom. I want to change directions but Eugene insists I follow him.

I am moving towards the restroom. I am crying inside. we get to the toilet bowl. My phone is lying in there.

What happened Eugene?

He says,” I couldn’t flash it”.