Hiding Under Tables: Adventures in the Kindergarten Kingdom

I am 2 years old. I am starting Kindergarten today. I have to go to school.

I am nervous and don’t want to go. I have no choice. My Mum drops me off. I go into my class. We start the lesson for the day – counting 1-10. I hear the bell ringing. It’s time for a break. I quickly run to the classroom of my big sister. I find her and stay with her throughout the break time. When the break was over. I hid under her table. I didn’t want to go back to my classroom.

Before long, a student pops in from Kindergarten – I hate that boy. The message is that my teacher wants me back in my class.

I walk begrudgingly back to the class. I am thinking I will be wiped for this. I get to class and I am simply asked to go and sit down.