How do I start a career in digital marketing?

how to get a digital marketing job

One of the most common questions I get asked a lot is how do I get a job in digital marketing? The conversation usually goes like this, “I have finished university with a degree in Sociology, Philosophy, Business  Administration, etc and I am having difficulties finding a job. It has even gotten worse in the Covid pandemic. No one is hiring. And even if they are hiring, you know how it goes, the available opportunities are so limited that it comes down to who you know.”  

Is this really the case or this is an example of what Zig Ziglar calls “Stinking thinking”. In my opinion, a very clear example of stinking thinking. Let me kindly explain.

So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Cal Newport, in his book, so good they can’t ignore you,  writes that a person’s skills and talents should be the guiding force in determining their career path, not what they are passionate about. The reasons we choose what we do in life may come from our passion. For me, I  was passionate about knowing how people think and money. So I did a combined degree in Sociology and Economics. But do these degrees build a skill set or improve the way you understand the world? They remarkably improve the way you view the world. But not much in terms of skills. What we are never taught in school is that the world revolves around what you can do, not what you know. Please don’t misunderstand me, education is extremely important but it needs to be combined with skills to make it potent. 

For example, let’s assume you have finished university with a sociology degree and you love sociology very much. You have acquired a good understanding of how society works and that’s a great asset. However, you do not have any immediate skill sets. So how do you leverage your understanding of society with a skill set? You can easily learn digital marketing to complement your degree. 

Digital Marketing 

how to get a digital marketing job

Digital marketing is the promotion of brands using the internet and other forms of digital communication to relevant and potential audiences. 

Digital marketing is a heavily in-demand skill set. Specifically, Facebook marketing is a surprisingly cost-effective and powerful way to reach an audience on a scale. The ability to organize and target relevant audiences is a growing and in-demand skill. Many employers are looking to move into digital marketing to expand their markets. Interested? Facebook Blueprint is a free online learning platform to learn digital marketing. The learning platform is set up by Facebook. The Certificate you received at the end of the course is signed by Facebook. You simply cannot go wrong. Free Education and certification by the platform owners themselves. The additional bonus is that by knowing how people think, you would be able to write better ad copy. 

By becoming a digital marketer you instantly expand your world. You can decide to work for yourself as a consultant or sell products online through social media. 

Talent Stacking 

how to get a digital marketing job

There is another interesting concept that comes out of building skill sets known as Talent stack. In their book, Choose FI, C. Mamula, et al, write that talent stacking combines a variety of ordinary skills which add up into the right kind of extraordinary skills. So you become extraordinary by simply building various skill sets and combining them. I have implemented this idea in various areas of my life. I started this blog without knowing how to develop it on WordPress. I learned that. I started my podcast without knowing how to do audio engineering. I learned that. I started my YouTube channel without going to Film school. You get the picture. Everything is learnable. 

In her book, Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo argues that you can really figure everything out with a bit of hard work and perseverance. So how do you go about figuring things out? My favorite resources are blogs,  books, and YouTube videos. Important skills to acquire to build a talent stack include: 

The above options would build you an extremely handy set of skills to thrive in the digital world. 

My thoughts 

Your skill sets determine so much about how your life turns out. Skills bring value to the table in any negotiation. You can rely on your skill sets to create employment for yourself or get a job

As Steve Martin puts it, be “so good they can’t ignore you”. The key to having a job or making one for yourself is what you can do and not what you know. What skills are you bringing to the table? The secret to success is getting good. Getting good at a skill or a multiple of skills is the most important ingredient. 

Until next time aspiring wealth builders, Let’s build wealth.


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How to get a job in digital marketing?
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How to get a job in digital marketing?
Are you looking for a job in digital marketing? Your skill sets determine so much about how your life turns out. Maximize your potential with digital skills
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Ben Appiah-Poku
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  1. Frank

    This is really educative and enlightening.

  2. Daniel Adjei

    It’s a must read for everyone. Very educative and well written.
    Keep doing what you do best.

  3. Prince

    Very impressive

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