7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness – Book Summary

7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness – Book Summary

The 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness is about the Fundamentals in our lives. Fundamentals are the basic building blocks of our lives and have always existed. They are the basis from which we make sense of our lives. Thus there are no new fundamentals. Only the opportunity to relearn them.

“Success is a process of turning away from something to turn toward something better- from lethargy to exercise, from candy to fruit, from spending to investing”

7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness
Jim Rohn

The big ideas are summarized in 6 fundamental principles and this makes about 80% of the difference in any area of our lives.

The fundamental strategies for discussions are:

  1. Unleashing the power of goals.
  2. Seeking Knowledge
  3. Learning to change
  4. Controlling your Finances
  5. Mastering your Time
  6. Surrounding Yourself with Winners

Unleashing the Power of Goals

The setting of goals is an indispensable life skill. You must have enough reasons to enable you to achieve anything. Your goals force you to become the person that achieves them.

Seeking Knowledge

To understand something, you must learn about it. If you want to be successful and happy you study success and happiness. If you want to be wealthy, you study how to build wealth.

Capture what you read and learn by writing it in a journal.

You must also review your day, week, month, and year to make sure you are heading towards your intended path in life.

Learning to change

Your life will change only when you change. Better is something you become. You cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself.

Learn to work harder on yourself than you do your job. It is hard to keep what is not obtained through personal development. Income rarely exceeds personal development.

You can never create more time, but you can become more valuable.

Controlling your Finances

Capital known as seed money must be defended. It is your only chance of another harvest. The rich save their money and spend what’s left while others spend their money and save what’s left.

You must make a point of knowing where all your money comes from and where it all goes. Track and log your revenue and expenses. By doing the little things and the big things will take care of themselves

Mastering your Time

You must learn to be more productive within the hour by working smarter not longer.
Either run your day, or your day runs you.

The one-word productivity hack is your ability to say “No”.

You must know your peak working hours. Is it morning or afternoon?

To help structure your time and plan your day, always operate from a document not from thought. You want to work either from a journal or a to-do list app but not from thought.

You must know how your day ends before starting it. Do not start your day until you have it finished. Never start your week until you have it finished. Do not start your month until you have finished it.

Surrounding Yourself with Winners

Your success depends on the people you allow in your life. It also depends on your level of association. Never underestimate the power of influence.

What have the people around you got you doing?

You must spend more time with the right people. People who can advise and mentor you. Learn to associate with a purpose. You must find the people that would lead you to success.

My Take

There are certain principles when adhered to would make a person successful. Success is the person you become. Thus, any serious attempt at self-growth is crucial in attaining the life you want to live.

Practical Insights

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7 Strategies of Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn

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Book Summary: 7 strategies for Wealth and Health by Jim Rohn
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Book Summary: 7 strategies for Wealth and Health by Jim Rohn
Success is a process of turning away from something to turn toward something better- from lethargy to exercise, from candy to fruit, from spending to investing
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Ben Appiah-Poku
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