Mastering Notion: A Personal Guide to Organizing Chaos

Notion is a game-changer for me. It helps me organize anything and everything. It serves as my second brain. When I forget, it remembers.

You are reading this because you’ve heard about Notion. Notion is one of the best productivity apps, period. It’s truly a life changer.

The flexibility of Notion is also its downfall. Notion has many use cases. The first time you open the app, you can become overwhelmed. Just like you, I have logged into Notion and created an account. Only to meet a blank page and ask what to do next. Not having an answer, I left the app and did something else.

Today, Notion is such a valuable, indispensable tool in my life. I use it for everything. Organize my thoughts, write my journals, write drafts of articles, organize my book notes, and write stories.

What I want to do with this series of articles is to help you skip the frustrating stage I went through with Notion and get up and running quickly.

Imagining myself as a complete beginner, let’s go through the process of learning Notion without the confusing bits.

Let’s start with the basics. These videos below were instrumental in giving me a grounding on learning Notion.