Migraine Chronicles #4

It’s 9:00 am on 19th December 2021. I wake up not feeling well at all. I couldn’t sleep all night. I feel feverish with a headache. I decide to drive myself to the hospital.

I get to the hospital. There are few patients today. I register at the counter and go to check my vitals.

I am in the queue waiting for the Doctor. When it is my turn, I knock and enter the consulting room. I meet a female doctor. I explain to her my symptoms and she asks me to run a list of tests at the lab next door.

I get to the lab and my blood is drawn for the test. As I am waiting for the test results, I start seeing light flashes. My aura has started. I am losing vision in my right eye. I tell the nurse. I am getting a migraine.

I am moved onto a bed.I am given IV paracetamol. I have a nap. I wake up and I am better.

I go back to see the doctor for my test results. I have Malaria. I pick up my medication at the pharmacy. I call my brother to come and drive me home.

what could have caused this?