Migraine Chronicles: Discovery

My Daughter wakes me up in the middle of the night. She is complaining about abdominal pains. I suggest she drinks some water and go back to bed. Its morning. she is still complaining about her pains.

Ok then. Let’s take your brother to school and go to the hospital to check you out.

We get to the hospital at 10 am. We wait for about 30 minutes. We get to the consulting room. My Daughter explains her symptoms. The doctor suggests she run an Urinary tract test. We quickly get the test done.

The Doctor will see you in 10 minutes we are informed.

We pop in to see the Doctor with our test results and there is no infection. Phew!

Out of nowhere, I decide to find out if these symptoms of mine amount to anything.

I ask the Doctor, “ I sometimes lose vision in my left or right eye. It becomes dark with various lights. After this temporary loss of vision occurs, I get a throbbing headache on one side of my head”

The Doctor quickly exclaims you have migraines. I have what? I am surprised because I have had this challenge for over 30 years and never knew the name.

Does that even make sense?