Mission E-SIMpossible: A Strategic Approach to Overcoming Queues

I want an e-sim. It is so convenient to have one. Every morning, I visit the MTN office to set it up. When I get there, there is a huge cue. There are about 100 people already with tickets by 7:00 am.

It will take me 3 hrs to set this up. I always give up.

It’s 3 months already with this start and stop. I wake up. I will get my e-sim today.

I get to the MTN office. I cross the queue. I asked the Security personnel,” Can I speak to the Customer Service manager”.

I walk and Say, “ Hello, I am not well. I need to be in the Hospital in 30 minutes. Can you quickly set up my e-sim for me?”.

Sure right away sir. I got it done finally.

I have been waiting a long time to get this done using time I don’t have.