Morning Moments: Navigating HCF and LCM on the Way to School

I wake at 6:00 am every weekday morning. Waking up in the morning is not my thing. But I do so because I get to take my kids to school. By taking my kids to school I spend about 40 minutes with them in the car.

It has been an absolute gift of time.

It usually becomes a question-and-answer time for my kids.

Daddy, why is that? Daddy, why is this?

My most dreaded question is Daddy I don’t understand HCF or LCM.

It means I have less than 5 minutes to give a concise explanation.

I would then ask my daughter,” Annabelle, couldn’t you have asked me this question the whole of yesterday”.

She replies “Well Daddy it didn’t occur to me yesterday”.

But most of the time we end up with a whole lecture about something I have read.

You could say that has been the practice grounds for this blog.