Notepads and Nudges: A Gentle Push for Memory’s Sake

It is 6:30 am. I am walking upstairs to wake up my Dad.

I usually wake him up before I take my kids to school.

I say “Good morning Dad, how are you doing this lovely morning”

He says, “Today is Sunday, right?” I say, “No, it’s Monday”

I ask, “Do you have a way to note down the things you forget”

He says,” No, I don’t”.

“Ok. I know you are 84 years old, but we all need a system to help us remember things.

How about a notepad and pencil to help?

You can keep it on your bedside”.

He says, “I’ll think about it. I will tell you later if I need a pen and paper to help me remember”

I am still waiting …