Re-Create Your Life by Morty Lefkoe – Book Summary

Re-Create Your Life by Morty Lefkoe – Book Summary

Re-Create Your Life is about the power we have, to decide on what we accomplish in life, through changing our beliefs. Our beliefs determine our lives and we have the ability to determine our beliefs.

How can we achieve this?

“Our belief system determines how we live and what we see in the world”

Morty Lefkoe

Let’s start by defining what a belief is?

A belief is a statement about reality that you think is “the truth.” And this belief molds your behavior, your emotions, and your attitudes.

Our belief system determines how we live and what we see in the world. Our beliefs determine our realities.

The world exists as an objective reality. But we understand it through distinctions and language.

There is no such thing as “the truth”. Only a truth. When you create a belief, you make a distinction and create reality. Each of your beliefs serves as a box that limits and determines the behavior that is possible for you.

When we eliminate our self-limiting beliefs, we change our world. When we program new beliefs we have a new life.

Positive and empowering beliefs expand your world, while negative beliefs are limiting.

A belief about yourself is a thought in your head. When you become a creator of your belief systems it means you change and adapt your beliefs as you go along. We become decision-makers when we can create our beliefs and change our lives. This change is within our control.

Creator of your life 

You are the creator of your life because you are the creator of your beliefs. The practice of writing down what you want to become is important. This serves as a vehicle to rewrite your life and future. You must decide on what you want your life to be and start to imagine that as your reality. Write it down every day and believe in that vision. Your Subconscious mind will direct you to your chosen path. You are the creator of your reality.

My Take

This book brought home the idea that I am in control of my life. That I can grow as a person by changing and eliminating my self-limiting beliefs. It empowered me to see myself as fully in control of my life. We are what we believe. Our lives are a creation of what we believe. We can thus reprogram our minds to become whatever we want to be.

Practical Insights

There are so many practical insights we can derive from this wonderful book. These include:

  • You can program your subconscious mind through writing your goals and positive affirmations.
  • Make it an everyday habit for it to be effective.

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Book Summary: Re-Create Your Life by Morty Lefkoe
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Book Summary: Re-Create Your Life by Morty Lefkoe
You can program your subconscious mind through writing your goals and positive affirmations. You must make it a daily habit for it to be effective.
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Ben Appiah-Poku
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