Retargeting existing customers

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Wondering how to increase your sales with a $0 advertising budget?

It can be done and the key is retargeting your existing customers.

The most valuable asset for your business is the ability to contact existing paying customers.

With that said, here are 3 steps to increasing your sales without spending on ads:

  1. Build your customer list into a WhatsApp broadcast group
  2. Present an offer to your existing customers
  3. Give a referral incentive to your existing customers

1 . Build your customer list

After extracting all your paying customers into a WhatsApp group (preferably an additional copy on an excel spreadsheet), it is time to target them.

2. Presenting an Offer

Customers need an incentive and urgency to take action in buying a product or a service. Without these 2 elements, the customer is in waiting mode or worse spending their money on a similar product.

Incentives for an offer come in different forms. For instance, 30-day free trials, Discount Coupons, Loyalty Cards, Free 30 minutes consultations, Free Samples, Free delivery, etc.

The second element is urgency. A prospect will most likely see a good offer but without urgency, he will not take action. Examples of ad copy with urgency are Limited time offer, Only 19 items left, Offer ends soon, etc.

Ever wondered why MTN is always sending messages about offers? Because it works.

3. Giving incentives for Referrals

Existing customers can be great promoters of your business. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. Period.

You would want to offer a commission for every single referral a customer brings in. The commission can be in the form of cash, discounts, or offers such as free delivery.

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