Scratching the Surface: A Day at Rabito Skin Clinic

I am feeling a burning sensation in my butt these days. I think it’s a skin infection.

I must visit Rabito Skin Clinic ASAP. I do. I register with the clinic and wait in a queue for the doctor.

I hear my name from the doctor’s office. I get up, knock on the door, and enter the consulting room. The doctor asks me to drop my pants. I do so and turn around.

Yep. It seems like a fungus infection. But I need to confirm with a Lab test.

I am asked to go to the Lab. I open the door and meet a young girl.

She has her instructions. I turn around and drop my pants.

She rubs alcohol on my butt and starts scrapping. When she is finished, I thank her and leave.

Walking I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor girl.

I can’t imagine her thinking in the morning that this was going to be part of her day.

I can’t imagine her thinking that having a glimpse of a 40-year-old man’s infected buttocks was going to be part of her day.

God bless her.