Sibling Wisdom: When a Big Brother Schools Dad on Quiet Door Handling

There is a new baby in the house. My Daughter is born. My son is now a responsible big brother.

I am having a shower. My son comes banging on the bathroom door. I tell him off. Don’t you know the baby is asleep?

It’s morning. I am bathing my son. I put him inside the shower. I close the bathroom door. It makes a sound.

He says to me, “ Daddy don’t bang the door. Annabelle is sleeping”. He comes outside the shower, opens the door, and shows me how to quietly close it.

I thank him. I resume bathing him. And ooh I give him a hard scrub!

I take him out of the bath. We get to the bedroom. The baby starts crying.

My son continues to tell me off – about banging the door – while I am putting on his pampers.