Tales from the Breakfast Table: Mastering the Ideal Milk Game

It’s 1991. I am having breakfast with my sisters. We are eating porridge. I grab the container with sugar and add 2 scoops to my porridge. There is a tin of ideal Milk on the table. I don’t touch it for now.

The reason is I am allowed only two spoonfuls. When I am ready I tell my mother. She takes a spoon to measure two scoops of milk into my porridge.

That’s it.

Everyone at the table gets the same amount. So the challenge is whether you get your 2 scoops early or later on.

If it is too early, the large quantity of porridge will completely dilute the taste of the Ideal Milk.

You want it at the end. When you have little of your porridge left. You then ask for your 2 scoops and enjoy the full taste of the milk.

Currently, My kids on a good day can finish a whole tin of ideal milk when drinking hot Chocolate before their porridge.