The Power of Full Engagement – Book Summary

The Power of Full Engagement – Book Summary

The Power of Full Engagement is about how to manage your energy effectively.  To enable you to do more and gain more time as a result.

“Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance…Performance, health, and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy”

The Power of Full Engagement
Jim Loehr

How do you manage your energy? The answer leads us to the first big idea in the book.

Physical energy is the foundation of all our energy reserves. Exercise is key. 

There are several benefits to Exercise. These include 

  • offsetting some of the effects of overeating
  • providing  a powerful way to remove our  negative emotions
  •  renewing us mentally
  • and restoring  our emotional energy

The recommended exercise protocol is twenty to thirty minutes of continuous exercise. Usually, three to five days a week at 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.

The second big idea in the book is Spiritual energy. It is where we set our inner values and purpose. The process for managing our energy starts with defining a purpose and taking action. By aligning our inner values with our goals, we begin to move in the direction which syncs with our true selves.

The next big idea is taking adequate rest for renewal.  Most human beings need seven to eight hours of sleep per night to function optimally. Going to bed early and waking up early helps to optimize performance.

Managing Energy Effectively

The fourth big idea is managing energy effectively. The key to energy management is through discomfort and subsequent renewal. And this brings about growth. For example, the process of training your muscles in the gym involves tearing your muscles and resting for them to heal. The process is how your muscles grow in strength. 

Any form of stress that prompts discomfort has the potential to expand our capacity – physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually – so long as it is followed by adequate recovery.

Positive Emotions

The fifth big idea is positive emotions. Positive emotion is derived from any activity that is enjoyable, fulfilling, and affirming to our wellbeing. 

Depending on your interests, it can be singing, gardening, dancing, making love, doing yoga, or reading a book. It can also mean playing a sport, visiting a museum, attending a concert, or simply spending quiet, reflective time alone. Positive emotional activities enable us to renew our emotional energy.

Positive Action

The last big idea is taking Positive Action. How do you take action? The answer lies in habits and rituals. The path to taking action is by engaging in positive rituals. The rituals must focus on one significant change at a time. Examples of positive rituals include time blocking to converse with a spouse, meditating, journaling, exercise, dancing classes, and playing guitar.

My Take

My personal experience has been very positive with this book.  It brought home the simple idea that by making sure I exercised every day, I gained more energy and time. Thus by getting that one simple task done.  I end up being effective and productive.

To wrap up, managing energy and not time is the key to high performance and Productivity.

Practical Insights:

There are so many practical insights we can derive from this wonderful book. These include:

  • Going to bed early and waking up early
  • Eating breakfast every day
  • Cutting out simple sugars
  • Going to sleep and waking up consistently at the same times
  • Eating five to six small meals daily
  • Drinking 48 to 64 ounces of water daily
  • Taking breaks every ninety minutes during work
  • Eating a balanced, healthy diet
  • Getting some physical activity daily

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The power of full engagement by Jim Loehr

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Book Summary - The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schartz
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Book Summary - The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schartz
The Power of Full Engagement is about how to manage your energy effectively. To enable you to do more and gain more time as a result.
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Ben Appiah-Poku
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