The power of giving

leads hub newsletter


One of my favorite marketing techniques is giving away free value.

It is such a powerful way to reach and engage new clients.

For example, the lifeblood of growing my email list is my free sales guide.

It brings in over 300 new email subscribers a week.

For your business, you can adopt free sales options such as Free delivery, Free samples, free Trials, free premium features for a limited time, etc.

In simple terms, the option of free is an extremely strong incentive for people to miss out.

Give it a try in your business and let me know how it performs for you by hitting reply to this email.

If you are struggling with growing and scaling your business, you can always reply and let me know.

I will do my best to give you my actionable advice to help you grow and scale your business.

If you are not struggling with anything, you can still hit reply and say “Hey”

Talk soon


PS. Next week’s email is about making a sale without selling.

PSS. Need help with scaling and growing your business?

We can help

It’s free to schedule your “digital marketing strategy call”.

We will set aside 30 minutes to discuss how to move the needle towards growth for your business.

But I can only do 3 per month.

Schedule your call now.