The Unexpected Call of Duty

My son is 3 years old. He still wears Diapers. He is doing very well with them.

He seems to inform me when he needs to use the restroom.

He now wears Diapers for when accidents happen. I am happy with him.

I can now relax from doing Diaper duties on No.2.

My son is playing. Enjoying himself in the Sun. I am close by writing on my Laptop.

I feel a tap on my back. He says’ Daddy I poo poo”.

I said, ”I want to be clear, have you pooped? About to poo-poo or you have already popooed?”

He says, ”Daddy, I poo poo I poo poo I pooooooooooo poo!”

There is no getting around it. I have to get messy and do diaper duties on No.2