Windows Woes and Mac Marvels: A Laptop User’s Journey

My Laptop journey started with a Toshiba Satellite. It was my favorite Laptop while doing my A levels. I used it for videos, music, and writing term papers.

When traveling to the University, I place it at the back of my car. By the time I arrived at my Dorm, the hard drive had broken down. It may have been due to excessive movement at the back of the car. The laptop won’t come on. And when I shook it, I heard sounds inside it.

I got myself a new White MacBook Intel Laptop in 2004. It was the first time Apple had switched to Intel chips. It was a great Laptop. I used this laptop for many years and I eventually sold it.

My next Laptop was a 17” MacBook Pro. This laptop I believe was destroyed by my youngest son. He just banged it on the floor so many times. It stopped working. I took it for repairs and never went for it because of the repair cost.

I went back to Windows and got myself a slim white Sony Vaio laptop. That was a cool laptop to have. It was a 13-inch screen. It was lightweight and very responsive. It served me for many years and eventually stopped working when I upgraded it to Windows 10 Pro 😭.

In 2019, I bought another Windows laptop the 15” inch HP Pavillion. It wasn’t my best buy. It was heavy and had a poor battery life. In just 3 months, the laptop can only be used when it is plugged into a wall socket. The battery life was gone.

Currently, I am using a MacBook Air M1. Best laptop I have used in my life. Period. It works when it needs to. It is fast. The battery life is excellent. I don’t have to manage anything on it.